
Friday, February 27, 2009

A Thousand Words

I found this on today and the caption read, "'Nuff said."

I felt it was worth sharing with my readers.



  1. Thanks. I copied and posted this one via email.

    I can't ever see Obama doing outside work.

  2. perhaps he can remodel iraq?

    can you imagine him pushing a lawnmower?

  3. Steve Harkonnen: You're welcome. Pass it on.

    nanc: BO couldn't remodel the inside of a paperbag.

    Lawnmower? I can't even picture
    him holding a Dremmel tool.

  4. Also to add, that pic of Obama was him with ACORN redecorating a squatted in foreclosed home.

  5. Comment I got on this pic from a liberal friend of mine:

    You're right! Two Republicans helping themselves (especially when it came to taxpayer $$$) and the Democrat helping another. 'Nuff said.

    My retort:

    Yeah, helping themselves is the key thing right there...being independent instead of being codependent on someone from big government helping you out. That's my big fault against Socialists. Sorry, I don't need that sort of help - where I become too dependent on government, which in turn would make me want to keep that government in place.

  6. Atomic LS: Makes sense. I wouldn't think MO would be caught dead with those cheap little curtains at her house.

    Steve Harkonnen: There is no arguing with some fools.

  7. Cube,

    Not surprising seeing him pimpin the stolen goods! Nothing like the "homey" touches when aiding and abetting the conversion of property from the rightful owner to the squatter posing as the wronged party!

    Predatory lenders my ass...

    BTW, some of his scholastic history is emerging. Not so athletic and not too scholarly. Again not surprising.

    Hanging a drape valance in a squatter house; how fitting.

  8. Every strong male team needs a baby sister to tag along.

  9. My most recent post fits with this, actually. Ol Jimmy fits in, oddly enough, more with Reagan than with Obama the interior decorator.

  10. Oh what an appropriate picture!

  11. Ah the good old days of good old Bush...

  12. Today's metrosexual man eh.

    I was actually thinking those half/quarter drapes he's hanging up there is a sign of how much all the promises and pipe-dreams of obama will actually go. But rest assured the cost will be that of the full length drapes.

  13. Got any pictures of Obama stealing hubcaps?
