
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stooges Remake

MGM Gets Its 'Stooges'
Penn, Carrey, Del Toro Part Of Studio's Plan

Sean Penn as Larry?

Jim Carrey as Curly?

Benicio Del Toro as Moe?


Am I the only one who thinks a Stooges remake is a dumb idea?


  1. jim carrey COULD play all three roles, but i would never see it as i'm not a fan of his. come to think of it i'm not much of a fan of many people.

  2. They should just get Iggy and the Stooges to do it.

  3. Ugh, this just isn't right.

    I'd rather see the Stooge's zombies do it.

  4. Yes I agree. A remake of the Three Stooges is a dumb idea. Particularly when we can see it live on Capital Hill.

  5. I thin it's a dumb idea. But I think the original was also an exceedingly dumb idea.

  6. I cannot wrap my brain about this idea! It just won't go there.

  7. I don't know, I think a remake would be cool. Sean Penn though is, ironically, too much a stooge for anything credible

  8. Max and I decided that we would like to see their zombies do it. That's an idea we can buy into.

  9. How about they do the movie on the pay scale of the original stooges?!

  10. dumber than dumb, Cube.
    yuck yuck yuck
    I must admit I haven't liked them the first time...Sean Penn isn't going to change MY mind, right!?

  11. I don't mind a remake if it's a good tribute, but I don't know if they have the right people.

  12. Cube,

    This is a bad Idea. Unambiguously so. It can't help but suck.
    Sounds like a done deal.

    This is what passes for creativity in Hollywood. Remakes of old movies, TV shows, (including cartoons!), English ideas and of course the vignette films that are oh so avante garde today.

    Funny thing though; you can't turn on IFC without yet another vignette offering. After the first couple dozen, it aint avante garde anymore.

    Clearly new blood is required out there. It won't happen as long as legions of morons will pay any sum for crap to be distracted from their other distractions.

    A Bad Idea.


  13. Wasn't this already done a few years ago?

    I'm all for it as long as the hair pulling, face slaps, and blows to the head done on Sean Penn's "Larry" is real.

  14. With the Farrelly brothers in charge, this movie could be really good or really bad.
    I won't go to the movies to see it.
    It will be really hard to remake The Three Stooges and actually be funny. Who knows? They might pull it off, but I still won't be paying to see it.

  15. I never really "got" the Three Stooges in the first place, so I can't help but think this will suck, too.

  16. I used to think that Michael Richards would make a great Stooge. This was back before he got his klan on and I lost respect for him.

  17. NOBODY, I mean NOBODY can ever replace the 3 Stooges.

    My husband and I have bought their new DVD's and we are so please with them.

    We have the 5 DVD's available up till now and have ordered the #6 due to be released in June.

  18. maria: I agree. The Stooges can never be replaced.
