
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bad Ad Placement

When ad placement goes terribly wrong...

Unfortunate Ad Placement Involves Baby Grilling

*click on ad to enlarge*


  1. That is horrid! (And yet, sadly I did laugh at the idea that some type setter could be that dumb.)

    But as for the story... I'd like to fire up a bar-B-Q to grill those parents! I'm not pro death penalty but I must say, torture seems reasonable here. :<

  2. Am I a bad person for giggling?

  3. Ananda Girl: Would a person pair up that ad with that gruesome story? I'd like to think it was an automated process.

    Yeah, they deserve to fry, er, grill. Just because someone is able to have children doesn't mean they should.

    jan: No, you're not. That was the whole point of the post.

  4. Gosh, you may be correct,cube. I did not think of that. What an incredible fail!
    (I tend to react very strongly to harm coming to children. This one freaks me out.)

  5. Detroit's a whole different place.

    Incredible how editors don't pay more attention.

  6. Ooh, ouch. THAT is unfortunate.

  7. They are context-sensitive - that's why I no longer use adsense or any other revenue generating systems.

    When I talk about my dogs (all rescues and pound pups, thanks for asking) the last thing I want is a bunch of ads for puppy mills and breeders on/around my post.

  8. It makes you wonder what mental giant of a webmaster pulled that off, or if it was deliberate.

  9. It was 50-50 for adsense to pick this up or to go with the word "prison" and push the soap-on-a-rope by Dial.

  10. HORRIBLE story and HORRIBLE ad placement.
    Those parents are sick and should never see the outside of jail cell. I can't imagine such a thing. What kind of person would even think of such a hideous thing to do with the dead body of their child??!! I am amazed by the evil in this world.
