
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Man In The Coffee Beans

The "illusion" is that this is just a picture of coffee beans; but it is not. Can you find a man's face among the beans?

Some say that if you find the man in 3 seconds or less, the right half of your brain may be more well developed than most.

PS: This is not a trick. A man's face is really hidden among the beans.

Do you know who the man is?


  1. I guess I'm just not awake enough yet to see him. I think my brain is on vacation.

  2. Sadly, I do not have a well developed right brain. It sluggishly found the man after some searching. I can't tell who he is. I think I need more actual coffee now. : )

  3. Well, my self-esteem is shot. Thanks!

  4. I see him but don't know who he is.

  5. I think I found him in less than 3 seconds, don't know who he is though

  6. I think I'm no brained today. I even enlarged it and nada.

  7. Jill: Maybe another cup of coffee will clear the cobwebs ;-)

    Ananda girl: Neither do I. For the longest time I thought this was an April Fool's joke because I couldn't find the little bugger.

    Mustang: Don't feel bad. I'm left-brain dominant and it took me forever to find him. Like I told Ananda girl, I thought it was an April Fool's joke.

    Papa Frank: I don't know who he is either, but he reminds me of a cross between Mark Levin and George Costanza.

    Chuck: Yay! You're just supposed to find him. We don't know who he is either.

  8. I was thinking Curly, maybe a tie in to your previous three stooges blog. I also thought os Steven Wright

  9. My computer geek kid found him right off the bat... and thinks he is Tobias from Arrested Development. Leave it to a kid to out-wit my brain!

  10. Found him, though it took me about 15 seconds. Right brain must be asleep...

    Looks a little like former NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer, aka love client #9.

  11. can we jus eat the chocolate instead?..lmbo

  12. Found him after I quit crossing my eyes. I thought it was one of them 3D puzzles. I don't know his name but I aspire to be him every morning.

  13. I found him quickly, but don't know who he is. Stephen Wright?

  14. It took me about 30 seconds or so, although I didn't time it.

    Don't know who it is. Are you going to tell us?

  15. Took me a bit longer than 3 secs, was looking for a larger head, lol.

  16. as a previous employee of nancpop's once told him upon their first meeting, "DUDE! you've got enough forehead there for another face!"

    don't know who it is, but the forehead looks familiar...

  17. Hey I found him! I think it's Marlon Brando...or Ho Chi Minh...or

  18. I was looking for a head that was part of a larger picture and that threw me off. Once I saw it, it was so obvious that I could kick myself that I didn't see it sooner.
