
Monday, April 13, 2009

Meet Susan Boyle

Embedding was disabled for this video, so I'm just providing a link...

Susan Boyle

It's only 3:46 seconds long, but you won't believe your ears.

[The BLOG note: Hat tip to for this wonderful lesson.]


  1. I think truly, that which is beautiful is everywhere to be experienced. All one has to do is look and listen, beyond the obvious, the superficial.

    That was wonderful!


  2. cube - i boo-hoo sobbed when i watched this this morning - the preconceived ideas the judges had proved them totally wrong. i don't watch any reality or talent programs, but with more people like susan and i may start.

  3. cube - That was amazing. I almost cried when she sang, and it proves that we don't know what is inside a person. Thanks for giving us that. It made my day.

  4. bw: Absolutely. I can't agree more.

    nanc: This one was a keeper. It made me feel the same goosebumps I felt when I heard Paul Potts Where in the world is the USA's talent?

    Sue: I'm glad you liked it too. I found it very inspiring.

  5. I got this link emailed to me this morning and promptly emailed it to everyone in my address book over 40.Goosebumps...

  6. cube - if you didn't see the judges' reactions, watch this version - i've never seen simon cowell so stunned.

  7. Yes she sang wonderfully!!!! Do you realize that this is one of the hardest songs to sing? The range in it is very hard for many to sing! And she nailed it. I was so glad she knocked their socks off!

  8. Hey Cube, I found this today on the site. It is Susan Boyle singing, "Cry me a river". A song she did that was recorded on a CD of various artists. Details in the article.

    Such a wonderful clear, crisp, beautiful, soulful voice.

    Full link details follow:


  9. BW: Very wise words.

    Nanc: This one was a keeper. And yes, I did see the judges with their superior smugness, their cynicism, and their preconceived notions based on her appearance. Susan gave them their comeupance.

    Jan: Yes, Susan has hit the world by storm.

    Shang: Yes, she's grand.

    Ananda Girl: You're welcome.

    Leslie: No I didn't know that. Thanks for the edification.

    BW: Thanks for that link. I think I like Cry Me A River even better.
    I'd buy that CD in a New York minute.

  10. Beautiful. I agree with all of the above.

  11. In case anyone is interested, here is a link to more early Susan...

    "Cry Me A River" and "Killing Me Softly"
