
Saturday, April 04, 2009

Obama Looking For A Teleprompter

The Question That Flummoxed The Great Orator

Of course I would use quotation marks around the words the great orator, but I still give the Brits kudos for saying what our own MSM doesn't.


  1. Lee: Yeah, we're on the same wavelength.

  2. Perhaps I should've used the photo of Obama Bowing To The Saudi King instead of the one I used.

    I have not heard a good explanation for that yet... I'm still waiting.

  3. I think there are two possibilities: The first is that no one has properly schooled Øbama in matters of protocol; the second is that Øbama is a supplicant to Islamic leadership. Neither of these makes me very happy.

    By the way, this morning a liberal economist (nee communist) stated, “Americans are asses.” They do not understand what Øbama is trying to do, and ought to shut up. It isn’t that we weren’t already aware of contradictions of progressive rhetoric and socialist elitism, but it was amazing to hear someone actually say in on television.

    Øbama: Chains we can believe in.

  4. Mustang: I hear you. I am sickened by either possibility, but in my heart believe the latter to be closest to the truth.

    Yes, the commies are rejoicing today. The rest of us are not.

  5. BO: "Has anyone seen my principles? My self respect? Respect for our country? I haven't had them for a long time."

  6. He's looking for a cabinet nominee who actually pays their taxes.

  7. That was a load of lame babbling.

    He also seems to overlook the fact that not all countries have such poorly regulated finance systems. Unfortunately, that doesn't protect well regulated countries from the recession though.

  8. That article is hilarious and spot on!!!
    I'm surprised Obama didn't just say George Bush is to blame for it all.
    Obama is a very skilled politician, but he's not the outstanding orator unless he has his teleprompter.
    He most certainly is not brilliant when speaking without copy or without preknowledge of the content of the question.
    He is impressive though in many ways, and he is not an idiot. Bush is not an idiot either, but the MSM made him out to be. Who knows? Maybe the fact that Obama's less than perfect attributes are being picked up on by media outside the USA will cause our own MSM to finally report the truth that Obama is not God in the flesh.

  9. ..and they called Bush "inarticulate"? Remember, whatever we thought of Bush, he was better OFF speech than ON.......
    I think that's telling!
