
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chia Spock

My family and I are going to see the new Star Trek movie tomorrow and I'm really psyched.


BTW my blog buddy Jen at Jen's Horde had some very funny Trek stuff on her blog and I thought I'd pass them along ...

especially the new Star Trek SNL Skit which is a hoot.


  1. Have fun. I enjoyed it.

    We had a chia Einstein. Max, my big brain was into Einstein. Posters, quotes, etc. All over his walls.

  2. I'm sure we'll enjoy it. I'm already used to the fact that this is a new time stream so I'm not overly torqued about it.

    Cool beans. Einstein is one of my heroes too, up there with Newton, Galileo, Hawking, Meisner, oh I could go on and on...

  3. Ooh, it's the evil Spock from "Mirror, Mirror!"

    I'm glad you thought that skit was funny, too. I loved it!

  4. cube - I'm glad you are finally going to see it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  5. This is clearly a racist attack on Vulcan-Americans. I demand they pull it from the shelves immediately.

    Went Friday night to see it again with my sons. I thought it was great.

  6. I'm with Chuck: why aren't Vulcan-Americans everywhere demanding that this be pulled from store shelves??!!

  7. Finally saw it with the fam this weekend myself. MUCH better than I had expected. Unlike my preference for the young and skinny Elvis, I still prefer the old Spock though.

  8. Mirror-Spock is not evil. He is a victim of Federation hegemony who is forced to instigate Vulcan-made disasters.

    We must open a dialogue with him.

  9. I sure would like to see it. Of course I would have to pry Traci away from her Warcraft game...

  10. THAT'S RACIST!!!

    Oh, wait, it isn't Obama Chia...

  11. Okay, now that is one chia that I think is really neat!

  12. Anybody notice that they include a "vile" of Rigelian mold spores? That should be vial. I guess spelling isn't stressed in the future.
