
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Trek Bashing

Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'

From the Onion News Network - they make up news like CNN does, only ONN news is funny...

Personally, I'm psyched about the attempt to revitalize the Star Trek franchise because the last two TNG movies and the most recent show, ENT, didn't do as well as expected and, frankly, Star Trek needs a big win if the franchise is going to continue to live long and prosper.

Go Trek.


  1. I forwarded this to my Trek-type children.

    CNN can be really funny too when one is in the right mood.

  2. I love the Onion!

    I hope the new movie does well too.

  3. That was totally hilarious!

  4. Kirk against the Sleezstak lizard thingy was always one of my favorites!

  5. I tried to watch this at work but my filter wouldn't let me... had to wait until I got home. Too funny!

  6. cube - I've been thinking about you as I see all the hype about Star Trek!

  7. they make up news like CNN does, only ONN news is funny...


  8. jan: My kids have shown more interest in this Trek movie than for all previous ones put together. Woot!

    Ananda girl: If this movie doesn't do well, I fear it will be Trek's death knell.

    Jen: It was a hoot.

    Steve Harkonnen: You and me both.

    Chuck: Our whole family is going together. We haven't done that since the Harry Potter movies and LOTR. It's a big deal that my kids even WANT to go rather than just roll their eyes at a Trek movie.

  9. DaBlade: Ah yes. That would be "Arena". One of my favorites, it's up there with "The Devil In The Dark" (the one with the Horta and her eggs).

    Ananda girl: I'm glad you finally got to watch it.

    Sue: lol! I can't tell you how exciting it is to see all the Trek buzz. It is everywhere. I love it.

    RightKlik: Glad you liked it.

  10. I'm stoked for this movie! The last few films were so bad, I'm embarrassed when I watch them.

    This looks fantastic, great cast... And the fact that the fan boys are whining is a good sign to me!

    I put this video up at my site! GO TREK!!!
