
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Which Gates?

Obama Flubs Defense Chief's Name

It's hard to tell those typical white people apart ;-)


  1. I proud to be a typical, white, redneck hick.


  2. I hope he has small feet... must be hard fitting them in his mouth.

  3. J.D.: lol. Don't forget to cling bitterly...

    Ananda girl: BO could have both of his feet amputated and super glued
    in his mouth but the press would cover the story as just a slight misstep.

    Chuck: :-)

  4. Gates? Obama knows who to call because Vista crashed again.

  5. The media always went after GWB for similar flubs.

    Of course, Teflon Man BHO gets a pass.

  6. dmarks: And Bill Gates doesn't even go by William.

    Always On Watch: Exactly. Bush was painted as a buffoon whenever he misspoke.

    I can only imagine how hard it must've been for him to stand before a room of visibly hostile reporters and answer questions without messing up.

    BO screws up quite a bit before an acolytic press. What does that say about him?
