
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Earthly Mars Mission

Six End Simulated Mars Mission Isolation

Only 105 days in isolation this time. The next mission will last 520 days, closer to the time it will take for a real mission to Mars.

Now that sounds like a reality show I'd like to watch.


  1. Wow. I don't think I could do that myself without taking someone's head off at some point. Yikes. I need personal time to manage.

  2. from the back seat after month one:...ARE WE THERE YET!!???

  3. Ananda Girl: I could do an earthly mission if I had enough books with me. No sweat.

    What I couldn't do is actually take off in a spaceship for Mars. My nerves wouldn't be able to handle being in the dark, cold vacuum of space in a small, stinky capsule that could fail at any moment. There aren't enough books to distract me from that.

  4. Another isolated environment experiment. I hope they kept Pauly Shore out of this one!

    Ananda: I think that happened in "Alien".

  5. dmarks: I don't remember somebody's head being taken off in Alien, but I do remember the silly scene when the Ashe droid tried to choke Ripley with a rolled up magazine. What was that about?

  6. Geez, it's only almost two years of your life gone while sitting in a simulator. No biggie, right?

  7. Brooke: If the pay was right I'd do it in a flash. I could work on my memoirs.
