
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bonk On The Head


Remember, if it is funny when it happens to republicans, then it's funny when it happens to democrats too.


  1. Odd - they didn't mention the head hit, and they didn't play it over and over and over and over and over and over and ... this wouldn't be more of that "alleged" media bias, would it?

  2. There have been a lot of moments I've seen only on Youtube instead of, as cary said, over and over...

    Bias? surely no.

  3. Hahaha... its even funny when I do it.

  4. what struck me is how little reaction she had to hitting her head! Wouldn't you rub it or something?
    Couldn't do anything, like being HUMAN, knowing the cameras were on, huh? It's all about HOW IT LOOKS.

  5. They'll need to modify the hatch for a Herman Munster head profile. Naturally, they'll need to do it for all the various air craft used by the first family. And it must be very stylish to be worthy of one of Maxims hottest 100 women in all the world.

    Cicka cha


  6. It sure is a good thing she has medical coverage that far outshines what her husband is proposing for the rest of America! She won't have to wait hours or days or weeks to have that bump on the noggin tended to. Lucky her.

  7. You know, I am not much of a fashion bug, but what the heck is she wearing? That looked like she's wearing a rope of empty beer cans around her waist.

    The poor woman has no logical sense in style.

  8. Huh. I wonder why she didn't get the Ford treatment from the media?

