
Monday, August 03, 2009

No Joking Matter

Obama Joker Posters Popping Up In Los Angeles

I'm not understanding this Obama as the Joker thing...

If anything it should be Obama as Pinocchio and it could also read 'LIAR'.

I do think this would make a great cover of Time magazine.


  1. Every time I see that epic Video Professor infomercial, I entertain the idea of ordering the Photoshop CD. I would love to add my homemade photoshopped photos to the blogosphere.

  2. Well, for me the joker poster says, "BHO is a joke of a leader."

    Thus far, his policies have been abject failures. And, of course, he stepped into a steaming pile of racism on July 22 with his statement about the Cambridge Police acting "stupidly."

    At least these joker posters popping up all over LA insult BHO instead of glorifying him.

    BTW, have you seen this disgusting sticker?

  3. Always On Watch: Oh, he is a joke of a leader. I just meant that don't think he's joking when it comes to socialism. He's not bumbling around or screwing up. I think he means it.

    On the other hand, the Joker is an evil man bent on world domination and, in that sense, BO isn't that far off the mark. I'll give you that.

    I checked out that sign. What level of idiot put that up, I wonder. Sheesh.

  4. Not seeing the connection, myself.

  5. I liked the Jack Nicholson version better. Then again, Obama would be more believable as the crazy guy with the ax in Stephen King's The Shining.

  6. I would buy him as the joker except he's not funny.

  7. This is great. Where can I get the t-shirt?

  8. Now that is one scary Joker!

  9. I just now posted on this myself.

    I am looking for a way where I can create these same posters. The truth MUST be told. Obama is a Socialist.

  10. (Not to be grotesque, but it looks like he has blood on his lips!) But if Obama Care passes, the blood of all of those who die waiting to see a doctor will be on his hands, not his lips.

  11. I can't believe that this has showed up in the liberal mecca of LA, shows there is hope!

  12. I can't believe this is showing up in LA, Cube...I haven't seen it anywhere here. But I LIKE IT!

    You DO realize they'll say this is the RNC's work.....the new WH spin is anybody "fishy" enough to challenge THE ONE is just a mean ol' Republican. Anybody with a brain is supposed to love his healthcare plan.
    Somehow, crippling America is WAY up on the WH "TO DO" list, huh?

    By the way...I thought the left thinks DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC, TOO? hypocrites. :-)

  13. CrazyBunnyLady: I see the socialism part real well; the joker part only works if you know that the Joker was evil and bent on world domination.

    DaBlade: Here's Bammy!

    Chuck: I agree. I guess they mean joker in the sense of someone who doesn't tell the truth.

    Urban Infidel: Good point. Where are entrepreneurs?

    Brooke: The creepiest because he's in charge of running the country.

  14. Steve Harkonnen: All you need is a printer. Of course, I have no idea what the copyright situation is because no one has taken credit for them yet.

    BO is on video stating that he’d like to see a ‘Single Payer Health Care Plan’, but some believe that his words were taken out of context. Yeah, dream on.

    Americans need to wake up before it is too late. Once the Great Obamacare Health Entitlement is implemented, no one will be able to remove it.

  15. Windypoo: I can't agree more. The blood will also be on those who voted for BO, and once the folly of their vote was exposed, did nothing to stop it.

    LeftCoastRebel: I hope you're right.

    Jill: Your comment sounds like the abridged version of 'The Story Of The Three Holes In The Ground"...

    Well, well, well.

    Z: Did we really expect anything else from the left? Honestly, their tactics only work when we allow them to work. Now is the time to counter every charge, no matter how small, and to raise our voices loud & clear in opposition to BO's lunatic methodologies.

  16. you could always photoshop an obamocchio?!?

  17. I'm just happy to see Obama being mocked for a change. Late night TV hosts have been hesitant to make him the butt of jokes. They do lighthearted bits, but they don't skewer him like they do Biden, Bush, Cheney, Palin. When they REALLY start laying into Obama, we will know the tide has really turned against him, and Obama will whine about and probably blame Bush.
    I don't fully get the Joker thing either. Maybe it's saying that Obama is a joker whom you think means one thing when he really means something else.
