
Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Geeky you think this origami is?

Find more you can at...

Geeky Origami Pics

Hmmmmm [insert Yoda grunt noise which I have no idea how to spell]


  1. Nice...something to do in the office?

  2. Aaaahhhh.... I love these! Some are so incredible and all are wonderful.

    I got a kick out of the tattoos gone wrong too... and I'm awfully glad I don't live in Crapstone wherever that is. hee hee

  3. More intriguing than those white swans they keep doing.

  4. Steve Harkonnen: And everywhere else. I have fidgety fingers that doodle and fold paper.

    Ananda Girl: Some were incredible, but I thought the Trek models were a bit cheesy.

    I didn't see the tattoos gone wrong, but will revisit the site and comment later.

  5. WomanHonorThyself: I've been hooked on it since second grade.

    Jan: They're flapping cranes. I can't begin to count the thousands of those I've made over the years for a child whose eyes grow wide as they see a piece of paper start to take shape and then flap its wings.

  6. you ain't seen nothin' till you see the horse and top and rose our fellow blogger WORDSMITH FROM NANTUCKET (Sparks from the Anvil) on my sidebar's made for me!
    He's got an origami blog, too..check it out!

    Very cool, Cube. xx

  7. Z: Cool beans. How do I see them?

  8. Ananda Girl: I went back but I din't see the bad tattoo site :-(

  9. awww, cute picture and even cuter comment :)
