
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

KooKooKa Chu

Because the koolaid drinkers think we are the morons...

Steven Chu: Americans Are Like Teenage Kids When It Comes To Energy

Stick a sock in it, Chu!


  1. woooooooooooooo were teens! ha been busy..tryin to catch up!:)

  2. insulting, condescending, infuriating and a few other words come to mind.

  3. They really believe this sh!!. They really believe they need to show us a better way. As far as the school thing, nothing short of indoctrination.

  4. They so badly want to control every detail of our lives, and desperately looking for reasons to justify it.

  5. just another global warming alarmist who is upset there are so many of us that see through that trojan horse.

  6. WomanHonorThyself: We're unruly teens who need to be lectured to by the likes of government lackeys.

    Ananda Girl: I agree.

    Jan: Yep, me too.

    Chuck: I don't think they all believe it. Some realize it's a pack of lies, but they do it because they stand to make money and to further consolidate their power base.

  7. RightKlik: It is all about power and control.

    DaBlade: True, but the bloom isn't falling off the rose of anthropogenic climate change fast enough for me.

  8. CHU: EFF YOU, and where is my pitchfork?
