
Friday, October 02, 2009

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... it looks like a Rio de Janeiro Carnival cat.

World Rejects Obama: The Ego Has Landed

Boo frikkin' hoo, Chicago.

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. Having followed the vagaries of the IOC for years, I would have been shocked if the three O's could have pulled this stunt off.

  2. I honestly believed that the fix was in otherwise BO would never had stuck his scrawny neck out so far.

    I guess I overestimatated BO's Chicago thuggishness.

    Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.

  3. the ego has landed is priceless


  4. I love it. This was like rubbing their face in mud.

    To think they spent taxpayer's cash by flying a 747 to Denmark and probably also paying for his wife's expensive tastes in clothing and lost the bid for Chicago up first dibs sends a message to the world that Obama is about as useless as an effeminate horse in a lesbian ranch.

  5. Lee: I must credit some clever person at the Drudge Report for coming up with it. It's a keeper.

    Steve Harkonnen: They flew a bunch of staffers on our dime too.

    I know the BO admin is trying to change the world, but at least I know that math hasn't changed...

    BO + MO + OW = 0

  6. Update: Also read that Chicago spent $100 million in preparations for this nomination.

    Now they're in the hole over $500 million.

    See, this is what happens when people elect in Liberals.

  7. Steve Harkonnen: They flew a bunch of staffers on our dime too.

    Cube, lemme know more about this on my latest blog post. I would LOVE to know who these staffers were.

  8. Steve Harkonnen: I know Valerie Jarrett, real-estate mogul extraordinaire, for sure went along. Time will tell who else went along.

    As far as costs, here's a start:

    The Cost of Obama's Copenhagen Trip

  9. I still don't understand why our President went there to vie for Chicago's bid.
    Let's see... Rio or Chicago?... hmmmmm... which city sounds more exciting?? Uh... that's a toughie...

  10. Jamie Dawn: What I can't believe is that BO went down to Copenhagen without the fix for $hitcago being in the bag. Honestly. This now looks like an omelet on his face.

  11. This is a stunning humiliation for Obama. Too bad that we are tied up with it all. I could do without that.


  12. Cube, much thanks for posting that link in my comments section of my post today.

  13. GG: I don't want America being linked with BO's lack of qualifications either. I'm still incredulous that anyone voted for this empty suit.

    Steve Harkonnen: Thanks. I will continue to steer your way any material I find in this regard. This stuff has to be made public and the MSM isn't going to do it so we must pull up the slack.

  14. I'm with Cube, I thought this was a show put on for the masses with Obama having the thing in the bag

  15. I was totally shocked that BO stuck his scrawny neck out there and then didn't get his way. I totally believed the $hitgago fix was in the bag.
