
Friday, October 16, 2009

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

The BLOG exclusive: The true occupant of the Heene experimental aircraft/balloon.

Happy Friday, everybody.


  1. Great choice for the day! Hang tight kittty... and don't tell us it's just for a show!

  2. Let's hope kitty doesn't barf up
    hairballs all over the place either ;-)

    Did you happen to catch the reaction of the parents while the kid was pulling a barfapalooza all over morning TV?

    Passive and unconcerned would be an understatement. There is something really creepy about the father's eyes, too.

    I think these people are attention hounds and not to be given any more camera time.

  3. That is one whacky family!

    >^..^< PKAK!

  4. hey, could they take the heene from the balloon and make a laser? Then they could blind and lose their kids!


  5. A cat would be a better story. That family is just wacky! Have a great weekend!

  6. nanc: Wacky and very publicity hungry. The Heenes should change their name to the Lookatmes. It would simplify things.

    WomanHonorThyself: Thanks, you too.

    Birdwoman: Don't give them any ideas. They already endanger their kids by taking them storm tracking with them. I don't know of any other trackers that do that. It's one thing t endanger your own life, but not your kids.
    These parents are foolish.

    Kasha: Thanks. You too. I certainly would've enjoyed it more my way.

  7. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh man, that is so funny. I want to do a blog on that situation but I'm afraid I will get so nasty no one would ever come to my blog again.

    Oh, I missed the vomit. I'm so glad.

  8. Brenda Jean: I know what you mean. It's hard to keep a civil tongue sometimes.

    You were lucky to miss it. The poor kid vomitted on two morning shows. Two!


    Now I read on Drudge that Balloon Boy
    Family 'Announcement' Delayed.

    Like moths drawn to a flame, these folks just can't walk away from the lure of the cameras.

  9. Ugh. These people are making me more angry every time I see or read about them. Someone seriously needs to slap them.

  10. Brenda Jean: As far the Balloon parents go, I'm thankful a couple of loons like that didn't raise me.

    I'd like to have the "craft" examined and the idea that a child could even go aloft in the thing verified or discredited once and for all. It seems as though that would be an easy thing for any engineer to

  11. I don't know if you've seen this, but it makes me laugh my ass off.
    Kittens! inspired by Kittens!

  12. BeckEye: lol! I especially loved the shrieks.

    That kid reminds me of my girls at that age. Just delightful to watch and hard to keep up with most of the time.

    Thanks for sharing.
