
Friday, October 30, 2009

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat who's ready for Halloween.

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. I'm imagining the scratches on anyone who would costume a cat.

    Happy Halloween to all the Cubes.

  2. Happy Halloween from Chuck and Emily

  3. Jan: So true. I've had cats most of my life and had only one cat docile enough to allow this kind of treatment, not that we subjected him to costumes, mind you, but he might have gone along if we had.

    Tribby was a Maine Coon with a very sweet dispostion. He took to everyone, even strangers. I've never run across another cat like him.

    Happy Halloween to you & yours.

    Chuck & Emily: May your Halloween be happy and your treats be plenty.

  4. This one was laugh out loud good. Thanks Cube... happy Halloween to you and all your other cubes. Enjoy!

  5. Happy Halloween!!
    Eat lots of candy!!!!

  6. Love it! Especially the little beard, though Cat Dracula would be more intimidating had he not been de-clawed. Happy Halloween!
