
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Meteor Shower

The Orionid meteor shower, the result of Earth passing through a stream of debris from Halley's comet, promises to provide sighting of dozens of meteors per hour this week.

The 2009 Orionid Meteor Shower

Set your alarm to a few hours before dawn on Wednesday and watch the show.


  1. Cool. This is about the time I will be going out to work in the morning.

  2. Thta's my blog time so I may be distracted... What's new, right? I love that stuff too though.

  3. Oh I am getting up for that! It's my favorite time of day anyway. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. I'll have to check this out....oh...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!


  5. Maybe I can see it since I frequently wake up in the wee small hours and see the sky from the window.

  6. Chuck: Look up.

    DaBlade: Ah, an early blogger.

    Ananda Girl: I'm always up with the chickens too, but with me it's out of necessity. I prefer late night.

    EDGE: Wake up!!!

    nanc: Me too. Our neighbors are used to us being outside looking for meteors, shuttle launches, and any unusual planetary positions.

    Jill: This is definitely easier for most people to view than the showers that pass in the middle of the night.

  7. After I typed my last comment, I went back outside because I had already been out twice, beginning at 5:45 am, and hadn't seen squat.

    This time, no sooner do I step outside that I see one, not a long flash, but very bright. I guess three's the charm :-)

  8. That is awesome. *yawn* maybe I will be awake by then. I loved the homeless signs. Those were awesome. Thanks for the laugh. Do you watch Fox news? Are you aware that Obama is boycotting the whole channel? I love it. Hope you are having a great day!

  9. Kasha: It certainly wasn't the big show that was promised. I only saw one.

    Yes, I do watch Fox News and they say bring it on because this only helps their ratings. I don't think BO's boycott is really meant for Fox. I think it's meant to keep the other news outlets in line. I read somewhere that now the mainstream media is afraid BO will pass wind and they won't be allowed to smell it.

    Brooke: Like I told Kasha, you didn't miss too much. I was there at the peak time and I only saw one.

  10. "Pass wind" That is truly awesome!

  11. Larry Durham: :-)

    Kasha: Glad you liked it.
