
Friday, November 27, 2009

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat who overindulged at Thanksgiving dinner.

'Fess up, people, many of you still feel stuffed today. I know I do.

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. Thanksgiving Kitteh has unbuckled his invisible belt! :)

    I skipped dessert so I could have double mashed potatoes and sides of broccoli.


  2. Oh, and a double glass of wine w/ a cigarillo.

    I guess that was my dessert.

  3. Brooke: I ended up skipping dessert too, but it wasn't intentional... I was too stuffed.

    Actually, I didn't have breakfast this morning because I was still too stuffed.

    I figure it's just one day a year and I don't worry about it.

  4. Hope you had a good one!

    The leftovers were officially GONE yesterday afternoon.

  5. nanc: Very nice. Thank you. My new nephew, who was 5 days old on Thanksgiving, was in attendance along with the rest of the family. It was a very good time.

    Unfortunately, we made waaay too much food and still have quite a bit of leftovers today (12/1/09).

  6. nanc: It was very nice. Thank you.

    My brand new nephew, who was 5 days old on Thanksgiving, was in attendance along with the rest of my family. It was a very good time.

    Unfortunately, we made waaay too much food and still have quite a bit of leftovers and it's 12/1/09!
