
Monday, November 16, 2009


How Low Will He Go? Obama Gives Japan's Emperor Akihito A Wow Bow

How's that hopey changey thing working for you, dumbass Obama voters?

Good gravy!

If this doesn't make you see that the sky isn't green, nothing will!


  1. I'm sure he was just trying to see his bad self in the emperor's shoes...

    I posted on this today also - you'll love the graphic I found!

    o.t. - thought you'd like the slideshow I found here on the dollar and origami.

  2. I think it was a commentary on the emporer's shoes. Or he wasn't really bowing at all. Wasn't that the last spin when he obviously bowed

  3. Ananda Girl: I'm beyond sheesh with this guy. He's in un-frakking-believable territory.

    nanc: Ahhh, very good. Narcissus looking for his reflection...'cause that's all that matters.

  4. nanc: Did I like the dollar origami site?... not so much. I love origami, I just don't love the negative politics.

    jan: Yeah, BO didn't bow to the Saudi king either. We are seeing things. What's wrong with our eyes? ;-)

  5. This guy is an utter dumbass.

  6. I've said it before, this is change. He just never said what he would change us into.

  7. This makes me want to beat my head on the desk. I'm not being rhetorical, either. It makes me want to BEAT. MY. HEAD. AGAINST. THE. DESKTOP. Until things start making sense again. Because NOTHING has made any sense since 1988. And it just keeps getting worse.

  8. but he cant manage to put his hand on his heart for our Pledge!!

  9. Good one WHT! BO kind of resembles Godzukie, that little baby Godzilla from the old Japanese movies who used to breath smoke rings.

  10. cube - I've found a new photo of him bowing to chicoms and posted it at curtains - oy!

  11. From my country's news perspective, there wasn't any issue with Obama greetings the Japanese Emperor according to the Japanese way of doing it.

    It's like the other cultures in greeting people like rubbing noise, kissing cheeks, etc.
