
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

To Sir With Censorship

LOTR Film Star Sir Ian McKellen Admits To Ripping Out Hotel Bible Sections Against Homosexuality

Censorship and the destruction of someone else's property...

Nooooooo, not Gandalf!

I'm afraid so.

Why can't actors just... well, act?


  1. I'm with you Cube. Nice example of liberal tolerance though

  2. Since I'm offended by what McKellen did, I've taken the liberty of printing your entire blog so I can rip out this post and throw it away. And if anyone tries to remind me that the post still exists, I plan to cover my ears, stomp my feet, and chant "LAA LAA LAA LAA LAA LAA LAA LAA"

  3. WomanHonorThyself: Too bad more
    big mouthed celebrities don't take it to heart, eh?

    Chuck: I have little tolerance for the intolerance of the left.

    Krispy: lol. Good one.

  4. I wonder if he does this to the Koran too? Hmmmm...

  5. EDGE: Bite your tongue. The left wouldn't want to interfere with anyone's religious freedom, well, except when it comes to Christians.

  6. Welllllllllll, he DOES walk with a lisp...

  7. The worst examples of censorship, for many years, have come from the Left.

    Sure, some on the right burn some books every once in a while, but if there is one thing to be said about it, at least it is their own books. And it is liberals, not conservatives, who are always pushing to wipe out the First Amendment.

  8. to be fair, aren't those bibles really left behind by some group? Not purchased by the hotel? So it could be construed that he wasn't destroying someone's property, just something someone left behind on purpose.

    If anyone thinks that the bible is the main impetus behind homophobic attitudes, they need to look at today's culture. Most of the haters don't go to church - they just hate.

