
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

America Rising

Can you hear us now?



  1. Many of the talking heads on the alphabet channels are calling for the Democrats to try even harder at passing Obamacare. Obviously they're not getting the point of Brown's win in Mass.


  2. Great video. I hope people will sort hype from hope someday.

  3. BG: These people are not politically naive. They know what Brown's win in MA means, but they don't want to come out and say what it really is... a repudiation of Obama's radical notions. I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear what they're saying in private.

  4. Jan: Brown's win gives me hope that enough people will see through the hype. There's only one letter difference between the two words ;-)

  5. Cube, I'm not sure I agree.

    These people are not politically naive. They know what Brown's win in MA means, but they don't want to come out and say what it really is... a repudiation of Obama's radical notions.

    I understand what your saying but I genuinely wonder if they are so deluded that they believe this nonsense. I think they actually believe they have not been trying hard enough. If they could just get us to understand what they are trying to do for us...

  6. I like the video, very good.

    I only hope they DO get the message, both the right and the left, and we can keep the momentum going!

  7. Chuck: I respect your opinion and I think we may both be right. The left has a different view of the
    America we conservatives want. Some of them believe in the socialtist utopia of their dreams and the rest don't believe in it, but they are happy to exploit its belief. Right now, it's a free for all.

  8. The leftists are trumpeting the old nude photo of Brown on their blogs.

    Turns on that the new Mass. senator was quite the ladykiller back in the day.

    Unlike his predecessor...

    ....oh, wait.

  9. Dmarks: Where? Where? I mean, I must go take a look just for the sake of being politically aware... ;-)

    WomanHonorThyself: Glad you liked it.

  10. Cube, believe me when I say I was not arguing, just making a point. I should have said I respectfully disagree ;)

  11. I feel like wearing my T shirt to work tomorrow that says "I'm not racist. I wouldn't even vote for the White half of Nobama."

  12. Great video. How did I miss this one. Thanks for posting it!
