
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cat Stew

The above faux cat loaf is the only cat dish I'd be willing to eat...

Celebrity Chef Beppe Bigazzi Upsets Viewers With His Cat Casserole

I would have to be very hungry to go after a piece of meat that required having to soak it in spring water for three days for it to be edible.


  1. oh dude. The look on that woman's face. Priceless!

  2. Cat people have no sense of humor. I've had some protests from them, not for stew, but for giving them baths, etc.

  3. Oh, I just CAN'T LOOK...

  4. OMG! There is no way that I could ever eat a cat. The cringe on that woman's face was one of unbelief and horror.

  5. Jen: Very expressive face. I didn't need the subtitles to read that expression.

    Jan: The old dude wasn't kidding. He was suspended indefinitely for the catastrophic admission.

    Z: He didn't actually cook a cat on camera. He later explained that it was a during bad economic times, people being hungry, and there being too many stray cats around. Before you know it, someone had figured out a way to cook them.

    Teresa: She was thinking about her cat, Othello. I can't blame her. I have three cats of my own.

  6. Okay, I get mad at my cats. Really mad, but eating them. EWWWWWWWWWWW
    What the hell was the man thinking? I think he deserves to be put naked in a room full of feral cats. Yep, that would be good:)

  7. The world is made up of many kinds of people and many appetites. While we domesticate cats and would not eat them, some countries do and have no qualms about it. Some eat dogs, some eat horse meat and consider it a delicacy and some eat each other. Why can't we just say, "Oh that's not for me" and change the channel rather than call for an apology and fire the man? I raise chickens for their eggs and name them as pets. We do not cook and eat them but I do eat chicken. Oops,now they will come after me.

  8. Chuck: Cat is the other, other white meat so I would definitely serve it with white wine ;-)

    Brenda Jean: Yikes! You are hard core.

    Granny Annie: The older I get, the more I have come around to your world view. I wouldn't eat cat (unless I was starving), but I can understand why other countries would choose to eat it.
    I don't like it, but I can understand.

    BTW the chef wasn't fired, he was suspended indefinitely. I think there may be some wiggle room there to bring him back when the hubbub dies down.

  9. OK, I have to say anything dead that's been soaking for three days, I ain't eating.

    That said, if it came down to me or the cat (or the dog, for that matter) , I'm eating the cat.

    That's only if the grocery store is empty, the economy has collapsed, and the choice is cat or tree bark, though, don't get me wrong...

  10. Brooke: That's how I'm approaching it too... near starvation time, I do think I'd eat a cat before I could stomach eating bugs.

  11. I recall asking my mother once why we never ate rabbit. I'd see it in the store and it just looked like a big meaty thing;not Peter Cottontail. She said "it's too much like cat" I know times were hard back then, but wondering how she knew?

  12. Dorie: From the article, I learned that in some Italian cities, in some butchers’ shops rabbits are sold with their heads to assure buyers that they are not cats.

    I've also heard from some Cuban immigrants that they ate cats too because of the lack of other food.

    I think the practice is more common that we think.

  13. Well, yes, if I was starving, or my kids were starving, I'd serve up cat, dog or even rat as long as it was disease free. if Skynet took over the world and we were on the run I would be up for that. Still, I can't help thinking this guy just wanted some ratings, and attention. THAT's why he deserves cat scratches. I'm really not a hardcore animal person. I grew up on a farm, and I get it.

  14. Looks like old Italian guys aren't the only ones who enjoy cat.

  15. Brenda Jean: lol. If Skynet took over the world.

    Brooke: Wasn't there something about skinning a cat in Denzel Washington's recent movie, The Book of Eli too. Why are there so many cat haters in the world?
