
Friday, February 12, 2010

Snoopy Commie

This one is very amusing...

Castro Catches Useful Idiot Celebs On Candid Camera

I wonder how those celebutards feel about their every move was captured on tape for the viewing pleasure of their beloved dictator?

Heh heh.


  1. The libtards caught on camera with Castro are so stupid.

  2. WomanHonorThyself: Some of these knuckleheads don't have the requisite mind to undergo numbing ;-)

    Teresa: If I were a journalist, I'd be all over these blockheads about this. Where is the outrage over having your privacy invaded, not by President Bush, but by your beloved dictator?

    I would hound them over this. Isn't Castro a darling when he's chortling with his chums over your bowel movement or worse?

  3. Hard to believe these loonies actually left such a paradise. Can we send them back?

  4. when I read your teaser, I thought "The bum probably has cameras in their rooms" thinking NO WAY...and BINGO, he does...
    but he's still their FAVORITE GUY!
    Couldn't you toss your lahmajoun when you read the things celeb say about this guy who's oppressed his people for so many years?
    Are they THAT DUMB? Or THAT ideological?

  5. These celebs are morons.

    Castro could have put a babysitter in the corner of their room and they would still probably think he was their hero.

    You're right, Cube. Where's the outrage?

  6. Ananda Girl: I'm glad you had a laugh over it. I've had a few myself.

    Jan: Despite the current enconomic downturn, I will help pay for the plane ticket to send them back to paradise. Really.

  7. Z: I totally understand your aversion to this news, but I would never, never, even consider tossing lahmajoun over any news. It is too dear and too costly. I might throw a ham sandwich ;-)

  8. Brooke: These celebs are morons. I would love to question them about this invasion of privacy and I would love to hear how they would explain it way. Yeah, right.
