
Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's The Economy, Stupid!

The hopey-changey thing didn't work out too well for fashion designer, Maria Pinto.

Designer Favored By Michelle Obama Closes

People want jobs, not Obamacare.


  1. Poor Michelle...she's got a husband making 'the rich' unable soon to afford designer couture and probably doesn't have quite enough occasions to buy enough clothes herself to keep Pinto in business. tsk tsk tsk

  2. Absolutely. People who have lost their jobs or are in fear of losing their jobs aren't in the market for high couture or much beyond the basics.

  3. I feel absolutely ill today. And it's an illness which any healthcare could fix.

  4. What? No bailout for Michelle's dressmaker?


  5. This is not a surprise... look at how badly dressed she has been!

  6. Birdwoman: I don't feel ill, but I do need anger management training.

    Brooke: MO used the Chicagoan Pinto during the election, but has now moved on to bigger, better, and more expensive designers. Not that it shows, mind you. The woman is as graceless as an over-sized bag of rocks with legs.

  7. Ananda Girl: I don't think it matters who dresses MO. I find her fashion taste questionable at best.

    WomanHonorThyself: The only thing we can do is fight back. There are legal maneuvers in place already to fight Obamacare.

    Then we have to steel ourselves to fight the push for amnesty. I'm sure the libs are greedily looking forward to having 30 million illegals voting for "free" stuff, i.e., democrat, by November. You can bet they're already planning for it.

  8. somebody said you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. I wonder if they knew michelle obama?

