
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Killer Kitty?

No, it's not Friday, but I thought you needed something light to get your mind off the obamacare lies.

Go Here for the signs of a killer cat...


  1. Boy am I in trouble!

    I read somewhere that the moment you die, your cat ceases to see you as you. Instead, you become food.

  2. I'm not worried. I have opposible thumbs and can open doors, thus making me indispensable.

  3. Ananda Girl: We have 3 cats so we are in way more trouble than you.

    I totally believe that your cat will eat you, once you're dead, and they're hungry. This is also true of your dogs. They're animals, they really don't know any better. Anthropomorphism is our problem, not theirs.

  4. Jan: Admittedly, I was curious as to how you would respond to this post.

    Opposible thumbs or not, once we drop dead all of our pets, if hungry enough, will treat us like food. That's a bit disturbing for the person who lives alone.

  5. Shades of Queeguag, the little pomeranian that ate her owner in the X-Files episode and who later got gobbled up by a crododile.

    It's not pretty, but it does happen.

  6. OK, everyone in the world knows that I meant to type 'crocodile', OK?

  7. This is why I don't let them in the bedroom while I'm sleeping

  8. That was funny.

    Here is something else funny:

    We the People

  9. Chuck: As a kid I remember hearing that cats would suck the breath out of infants.

    Granny Annie: lol. I can't believe old Ray is still at it. Good for him.

    Unfotunately for us, once this boondoggle bill is passed, voting the politicians out will make us feel good, but the damage to our health care system will be permanent.

  10. Yikes! Two of my three cats are plotting to kill me!
