
Friday, April 02, 2010

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat who is as sorry as I am for playing an April Fool's joke yesterday. I had no idea some readers wouldn't see right through it.

I had no idea some of you cared... I thank you for your kind words.

Now, back to business as usual...

Blessed Good Friday, everybody!


  1. Blessed day to you, dear Cube.
    As I just commented on your CLOSED post, I am SO GLAD I hadn't come and bought that....
    never do that AGAIN! :-)
    (Am posting on a kind of Armenian Easter on my food blog on Saturday, I hope you enjoy it!!) xx
    it's kind of a 'hat's off' to my aunt as she works so hard to put these family holiday dinners on (even with full time help :-)..I wanted to send her the link and give her a boost!

    oh! my word verification here is 'caterp'.. how funny!

  2. Oh you stinker! LOL So I got caught in the joke, I can take it. :D Because, I am so glad that it was an April fools joke, and not the real deal. ;) :) :D LMAO!


  3. Oh and yes. Most Important! A blessed day and all the weekend long, as we remember the suffering, death, and resurrection of, I can say with many without reservation, my personal Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ! God Bless, Cube.


  4. Z: I honestly thought everyone would see right through my little prank. I learned my lesson. I won't do that one again.

    Thank you for the heads up on the Armenian Easter food post. I will most definitely pop in and take notes. Who knows I might even be able to impress my mom-in-law next time I see her.

    Caterp... how fitting for a Cat Blog Friday.

    rw: I feel like a stinker. I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it.

    Thank you. Blessed Easter to you and your family, rw.

  5. Piffle,

    I was wasn't fooled for even a millisecond.

    Quality, schmality, almost no one cares about that anymore Cube. That's precisely why those who still believe in it, always have, and won't stop caring just because moronic communists are sucking the oxygen out of the world.

    It is precisely your craftsmanship (craftswomanship :D) that would not allow you to drop this canvass for your musings.

    That and it was April fools day...

    Take care,


  6. QQ: I can relate. I don't trust anything I read on April Fool's Day. I adopt a wait-and-see attitude until I know something is for real.

    As far as quality goes, my approach has always been to post something that I find interesting, fully knowing, however, that they can't all be gems.

    You are right in thinking that I won't easily give up the ability to put my point of view out there and exchange views with others who may or may not have diverse opinions.

    Now if I could figure out a way to be remunerated for this, I would be happy with a capital 'H'.

  7. You scared me, but only for the time it took for me to see you were fooling in the comments.

    I can't deal with a cube-less world.

    Have a wonderful weekend Cube!

  8. Shame on you for that April Fools Day joke about closing the blog.

    My Beagle thinks she is a cat. She walks across the back of the couch, sits in the windowsill, but she barks like a true Beagle.

    Have a blessed Easter.

    Right Truth

  9. So many blogs have shut down since November 2008 that I can't blame readers for being alarmed at your post yesterday, Cube.

    Anyway, another great cat picture for Friday. Thanks.



  11. Had I been here, I wouldn't have believed it.

    I hope you have a blessed Easter, Cube! :)

  12. Hi, Cube..I'm SO sorry your comment didn't print at the food blog....Blogger's been playing games on me. I couldn't get into my own GeeeZ comments for a long time today...have you had any Blogger trouble?

    Nothing very Armenian was served on Easter but it was delicious, nonetheless..(oh, except my Mom's stuffed grape

    I think I'll be blogging soon on it and will include the fabulous marinade for skirt steak and the incredible papaya salsa you serve with it..SO GOOD.
