
Thursday, April 29, 2010


Found the above at and thought it was too good not to share.

Illegal Immigrants Plan To Leave Over Arizona Law

Notice that they're heading anywhere but Mexico.


  1. Yeah, it's the real reason Obama is upset over the law. Hee, hee.

  2. At one time i had to send away for a birth certificate just to get a new job. It was a federal law. It seems to have fallen by the wayside.

  3. Brooke: lol. Flop sweat time for BO.

    Jan: Mr. Cube had to undergo a background check to do some work for a defense contractor and we had to order another copy of his birth certificate because the one we had didn't have the official notary seal embossed on it.

    The law hasn't fallen by the wayside, BO was given a pass.

  4. In O we have a real Catch 22 of red tape you have to wade through. At the DMV you have to have your certified birth certificate, your SS card, and proof of address. No, your expired driver's license will not satisfy them, even though they checked those things for that one.

    If you don't have one of those things... say you lose your birth certificate... everything haults until you send away for it and get it back. I have endured this twice.

    As for background checks...yes, I've been finger printed and run through the police files. For the IRS, I believe they looked at my FBI file and that was years ago. I do not see why immagrants should not deal with the same hassels we do!

  5. Several more States are considering following AZ's lead. YEAH

    Right Truth

  6. Ananda, if you are applying for a drivers license (or any of the sort), of course you need proof. But someone just walking up to you asking for some proof is a big difference.

  7. Great cartoon.

    Funny that they're not going home

  8. Of course, they're not going back to Mexico! They've tasted a better life here in the United States.

    I do note that many news articles about the new legislation in Arizona has a pity-the-poor-illegals tone. Well, I won't! They are illegal invaders, and many agitate for La Raza and Aztlan.

  9. Bon riddance, I say. So let's get Virginia doing the same.

  10. That cartoon made me laugh. Thanks for that! If we don't laugh these days, we'll cry.
