
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Not RINO Anymore

From the not surprising in the least files:

Republican Florida Governor Crist To Run As Independent In Florida Senate Race

Good riddance.

Vote Rubio.


  1. Cut the Rinos loose, all of them.

  2. Good riddance to Crist. We don't need any cross the aislers anymore. Boot em all out!

  3. hey Cube..nice to see ya at WHT agin..and yes good riddance to bad rubbish!

  4. Would that I could Cube!!!!! Sheesh!

  5. I saw a quote were he may caucus with the GOP but it is not certain???

    I think he's a weasel, go with the best deal.

  6. Jan: I totally agree. They're not helping, they're hurting.

    Teresa: Spot on!!

    WomanHonorThyself: Thanks. I was busy, but it's good to be back. And yes, Crist is bad rubbish.

  7. Ananda Girl: Don't fret. I know you're with us Floridians in spirit and that's what counts.

    Chuck: I heard that too, but I think that any republican that deals with Crist should be forewarned that the American populace isn't in the mood for voting for wishy-washy RINOS or their friends.

  8. your photo looks like a mwahhh moment between obama and crist. not what most would be happy to see by their republican gov.


  9. OH, my heart's breaking (I hadn't heard his final decision, thanks for the news)
    The new Arlen Specter. Congratulations,'ll be missed by those who don't have a CLUE!

  10. Lee: Crist is in it for Crist. The will of Floridians is not a priority with him and never has been.

    Z: Crist is an inverterbrate who is solely out to help himself. We are better off without the likes of him.

  11. Z: That's invertebrate... my typing skills being what they are, I find myself wishing for good voice recognition software

  12. I only see drive-bys on Crist. I have no idea what he has voted for/against. I know he's under fire for something, but I don't know what. Good summary anywhere?


  13. Betsy: Crist has a way of being ambiguous on issues and then either taking credit when it is politically advantageous for him to do so or to jettison a cause when it is convenient.

    For example, he had always said he was for merit pay for teachers, yet he recently vetoed a measure calling for it. The teachers union was against it and he read the writing on the wall and sided with them in the hopes that they will vote for him in the upcoming senate race.

    In other words, he is spineless.
