
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Baby Mama Drama

Today must be a busy day for Toobin...

Baby Drama! CNN Star Jeffrey Toobin Offered Casey Greenfield Money For Abortion

Are these women naturally stupid or did attending Yale and Harvard make them that way?


  1. This is the reason they neuter dogs.

  2. lol! Your comment makes me think of a movie... "They Neuter Dogs, Don't They?"

  3. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY !! (hugggssss))!

  4. Hey, it's a choice right? He choses for her not to have his baby. There actually is a bit of an interesting right to procreate argument in there somewhere.

    More importantly, Happy Mother's Day Cube

  5. Honestly, they're all idiots.

    I guess in ivy league schools the common sense is a bit thin. If you completely remove morality, it still shouldn't be hard for these two to figure out that the pill or even a box of condoms is easier and costs less than either an abortion or a baby.

  6. Woman Honor Thyself: ((Hugs back))
    Thank you. Hope your day was everything you wanted it to be.

    I got my present... a day of peace and quiet.

  7. What's the deal with all these married men breaking their marriage vows but not bothering to use a condom?

    And what's the deal with otherwise intelligent women opening their legs to married men without the benefit of birth control?

    I'll never understand it.

  8. Ah, so he's married, too?
    Poor Jeff Greenfield to see his daughter go through this...
    I hope Toobin doesn't raise that kid, he's such a nasty lefty I'm hoping the kid doesn't get tarnished, too.
