
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Boo Hoo

Fawning Press Now Gets Cold Shoulder From Obama

Like the MSM won't come running as soon as BO needs his butt kissed again.


  1. The MSM deserves their just desserts from the president.

    But, the president hasn't got one iota of class in his body.

  2. It's hard to work in pressies when you are packing for another vacation.

  3. Woman Honor Thyself: It is a sickening display.

    Teresa: They do, and I also think the MSM deserves the opprobrium of the American public for their utter lack of journalistic integrity when it came to vetting Obama prior to his run for the presidency.

    And yes, I agree about the classless one.

  4. Jan: Yeah, it's a hard life. Sheesh. He's skipping the Arlington Cemetary ceremony on Memorial Day to go to Chicago. What a joke.

  5. Not a very original thinker is he?

    He's skipping the Arlington ceremony?
    Now that just pisses me off!

  6. Word is the media is starting to turn a little. If they start telling even a little of the truth he's screwed.

  7. Love watching the MSM squirm. They have no backbone.

  8. Ananda Girl: At this point, I'd love to be able to come up a funny quip that would encapsulate the situation ... BO can't help it, he was born with a red commie foot in his mouth. Naw, that just doesn't cut it, but you get the gist.

  9. he isn't skipping Arlington, really? Does he have no idea what memorial day stands for? Does he not care about any tradition in this country?

    what a loser.

  10. birdwoman: I heard on Imus this morning that BO is the first president in memory that has skipped the Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetary.

    We shouldn't expect a love of American tradition from BO because it wasn't part of his commie upbringing.

  11. The MSM will indeed come running. They're like the woman who keeps going back to the abusive man.

  12. BHO has thrown his cult-following media cohorts under the bus.

    But they don't have sense enough to know it and will soon come groveling back to do his bidding.
