
Monday, June 28, 2010

A Case For Term Limits

Senator Robert Byrd Not Only Was A KKK Member, But Led His Local Klan Chapter

We have allowed the liberal left to distort history for too long. It's way past time to set the record straight.


  1. Don't I remember that he got all sorts of Coast Guard goodies for West VA, an inland state.

    Yes, he is the poster boy for term limits.

  2. "Yes, he is the poster boy for term limits."

    I agree!
    WE must correct and reveal to voters the Left's distortions of the truth and reality with regard to civil rights and slavery.

  3. Jan: Absolutely. Byrd made no excuses for his porkiferous politics. He defended his actions as being an integral part of his job.

    He apologized for his KKK ways and was given the typical democrat pass by the MSM. No way that would ever happen for a republican.

    It is imperative that we start to think critically about the dead weight in the House, Senate, and White House. Term limits is only a start.

  4. Teresa: You bring up the insidiousness of our liberal, union-run educational system. They don't teach our kids the true history of their exceptional country.

    Information is the key to getting out from under the juggernaut of years of liberal propaganda.

  5. I was proud of Brett Baier on FOX today...he did a short piece on the treatment by the media of KKK Byrd's death and Segregationist Thurmond's death.....
    Of course, the media left out all mention of Byrd's job as KKK recruiter but finally saw the evil in his ways and couldn't let anybody forget that Thurmond was a repented Segretationist. Typical.

  6. He voted against the Civil Rights Act too. You are right though, good luck to a Republican trying to get excused for this behavior.

  7. Z: It's frustrating that we don't attack this liberal bias more than we do. I'm not talking about indoctrination of our young, but teaching them the truth. We should be all over this.

    Chuck: It would never happen. Case in point: Trent Lott. And all he did was make a comment.

  8. "All" Trent Lott did was suggest that a Strom Thurmond presidency would have made the country a better place.


    Byrd apologized, repeatedly, every chance he got, and used the work of the rest of his life to try and undo the evil the Klan did.

    Thurmond never repented or fully recanted his racist views.

    There's a material difference between making a mistake, apologizing for it, and trying to make amends, and making a mistake, and never admitting you were wrong.
