
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Resigned To Term

From The American Spectator comes this article which should be retitled, "Wishful Thinking."

The Coming Resignation Of Barack Obama

Do you see BO and family willingly leaving the perks of the White House?

Hell no! They won't go without an election.


  1. NO! His arrogance is such that he will never, ever willingly leave office.

  2. I'm sure he still thinks he is the ONE and soon we will all understand.

  3. Brooke: I totally agree. No way will BO, or MO too for that matter, leave the greatest gig they've ever had. I hear that Grandma Robinson loves having her every whim attended to by staff.

  4. That's a pipe dream. Not only does he think he still belongs there, he thinks we are too stupid to see that he doesn't.

  5. Jan: He is the "WON" only because the media didn't do its journalistic duty.

    There is one sentence that stands out for me:

    "Presently, one reason to vote Republican for president is that Republican presidents are subject to the rule of law, but Democrat presidents are not."

  6. Ananda Girl: I agree. Nobody is going to pry that empty suit from the best gig evah!

  7. He's too narcissistic. I think he will have to drug kicking and screaming. Personally I'm hoping he actually leave when he is voted out in 2012. We may need the military to get him out then.

    Plus, look behind Obama and you see the village idiot smiling back at you. This actually could be a case of "be careful of what you hope for..."

  8. Even if BHO loses the election in 2012, he and his wife will delay leaving the White House. Watch for it.

  9. I think that he is doing the job the best that he knows how. The problem is that he has nothing but some ideology and smarm to bring to the table. He's getting pushed around by his "advisers" and we're all paying the price.

    But I don't think the guy is evil.

