
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Growing Teeth?

This sounds like an amazing breakthrough, but much research is required before it can be approved for the general public...

Gel That Can Help Decayed Teeth Grow Back Could End Fillings

I mean, what could go wrong?



  1. Unfortunately I can think of quite a few things that could go wrong...

  2. Yeah, me too, which is why I'm not using it on my teeth until I believe it is safe. I'm still wary of Lasik eye surgery and reports of night driving halos.

  3. Exciting and scary. That would be nice, but...

  4. Wait. Seriously. Attacked by a shark!??!


    You might be my new best friend.

  5. Ananda Girl: Exactly. It would be wonderful, but I have my reservations.

    Tiburon: lol. You might want to hear my story first. I caught a small shark while fishing on the beach. My daughter wanted to hold it before we let it go. Well it started to squirm in her hands so I reached out to help her. That's when the shark bit me on the finger. It drew blood, but it was hardly an attack. Sorry, but I just love building up that story that way. Anti-climactic, huh?

    On that same beach on another day, I was fishing in chest deep water when I noticed some baby sharks swarming around. They didn't bother me because they were small, but I started to get nervous when I counted 24 of them. Um, like was their mom nearby? Needless to say, I got butt out of that water real fast.

    This is Florida where we coexist with all kinds of wild critters.

  6. They always announce these breakthroughs before they are fully researched. Wait and see is a good plan.

  7. This gel would change the field of dentistry -- IF the gel works out with minimal side effects. However, that's a big "if"!

    Chuck is spot on with his comment.
