
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Spies Galore

Authorities Detain 12th Person In Russia Spy Ring

Will Natasha be the thirteenth?

It's getting as though you can't swing a dead cat over your head without hitting a Russian spy.


  1. and they go unpunished..pffttt!!!

  2. I didn't know the U.S. had any secrets left.

  3. WomanHonorThyself: Every country has spies running around spying on everyone else.

    Jan: Exactly what I thought. Our country is an open book. And for the truly secret stuff, well, we have people who will sell it for a price, e.g., Clinton selling the missile technology to the ChiComs. Why employ spies?

  4. I can't recall the last time I swung a dead cat over my head!

    The worst part is what about their children. I can't imagine going from our freedom to Russia's system out of the blue. Yikes.

  5. My hairdresser's from Russia... watcher her be next. Then good luck finding someone as good as she is...

  6. Meant to say "watch her", lol.

  7. Jan is right, why don't the Russkies just read the NYT?

  8. Ananda Girl: I can't remember the last time I swung a dead cat over my head either. Have you ever heard of a Little League radius? It's like that.

    Karen Howes: Holy cow, my hairdresser is Asian... ChiCom, Viet, Korean, I don't really know which, but now I'm on full alert

  9. Chuck: Heh, heh. So true.

  10. Ananda Girl: I forgot to mention your very good point about the children. I do feel bad for these kids, but their parents should've thought about that before they went into the spy business. What were they thinking having children while engaging in undercover espionage?

  11. I have not a clue what people like that could have been thinking. Its too crazy to fit in my head!

  12. Ananda Girl: Yes, and now their babies pay the price of their mistake.

  13. OH, don't worry, remember Joe Biden told Leno last week we made a good swap...isn't it cool to blow CIA info on LENO?! :-)
    CNN did a sob story about the children, as if their parents shouldn't have considered what might happen to them but AMERICANS MUST NOW?

    Cube..saw this and thought of you (so to speak!..because of your interest in this kind of stuff..)

  14. Z: Biden and Obama are such a joke, but a joke that isn't funny because they're capable of causing great harm to our country.

    CNN is losing ratings shares as we speak.

    I went to the link. Fascinating critters, but I don't buy the global warming BS.
