
Monday, August 16, 2010

Total Disconnect

I found a piece from Arnold Ahlert that I thought I should share...

You've Lost America, Mr. President

Correction: Obama hasn't lost the islamofacists and their liberal appeasors in America.


  1. Sometimes I wonder if he even listens to himself when he reads from the teleprompter.

  2. If I were him, I wouldn't listen to myself either. The droning, the excuses, the sybilant 's' sounds at the end of all words that end in the letter 's'. Ugh!

    I think he personally was for the mosque before he felt the heat and now is trying to pull back from the original statement.

  3. "I think he personally was for the mosque .." You THINK?
    "The most beautiful sound is the muslim call to prayer"...BHO

    Sorry about the stomach ache, but Mustang really did cause it, deny it tho he might :-)

  4. Z: I thought this paragraph was very telling: "It is worth remembering this is the same president who belittled ordinary Americans for "clinging" to religion.

    I guess Muslims "clinging" to a location that infuriates the overwhelming majority of Americans is perfectly fine, even after it's been revealed for the rankly provocative plan it truly is."

  5. He is just ridiculous! Can you get more two-faced?

  6. Everything Obama does is evidence that he's a Muzzie.

  7. Limbaugh said: this country does not have to accept this "new normal", we do not have to accept the infiltration of this country, we can turn things around beginning at the ballot true eh CubE!

  8. This was spot on!
    "It is worth remembering this is the same president who belittled ordinary Americans for "clinging" to religion.

    I guess Muslims "clinging" to a location that infuriates the overwhelming majority of Americans is perfectly fine, even after it's been revealed for the rankly provocative plan it truly is."

    This alien in the White House is an anti-American Commie.

  9. It is obvious that 0bama being put into the White House is America's biggest mistake in history

  10. This bloke is fast shaping up to be the worst president of all time. But then, it was always obvious that this was going to be the case.

  11. Ananda Girl: Two faced and a moral coward. Coming from him, the speech about the Constitution was a joke. This is the same man who called it "a flawed document." He only drags it out when he needs it to help some anti-American group get some rights.

    Karen Howes: He is often reflexively anti-American. A very disturbing trend in an American president.

  12. WomanHonorThyself: I hope we do, but I worry about election fraud. Will we have the overwhelming number of votes to counteract it?

    Teresa: His default position is against America, against what he perceives as the establishment, against Western civilization, etc.. The list goes on and on...

    The Pragmatis: True. More and more people are reaching that conclusion every day.

    Patrick Carroll: Yes. There were many of us who weren't fooled BO's flim flam act.

  13. This essay by Arnold Ahlert is outstanding!

    Would that more Americans would read it!
