
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Voter Fraud

Cincinnati Public Schools is bussing high school kids to the polls to vote during school hours and ONLY GIVING THEM DEMOCRAT SAMPLE BALLOTS!

Lawsuit: Cincinnati Public Schools Pushing Democrats

Voter fraud... ACORN is just one part of the problem.


  1. and they get away with this?!! how???

  2. I thought the same thing. The CPS
    lawyers are acting like Johnny Cochran did during the OJ trial... "Why are we even having a trial?"

    An amazing amount of gall.

  3. More brainwashing from our illustrious public-school system.

  4. I read this article. Every time you think public school officials cannot surprise you...

  5. This is a Leftist's dream come true...if they can get to the children they have won the war in their minds...

    Our illustrious (socialist) Prime Minister in Australia is up to all sorts of fiddling with the education system...Like I say, indoctrinating children is in their best interest.

  6. They are liberals, what would you expect!

  7. If there's one thing CPS isn't it is scrupulously nonpartisan.

    Honestly, I live in the Cincinnati area and watch the local news... Not one peep. I found it here, first!
