
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanks, But No Thanks

This is indicative that the left just doesn't get it...

Sen. Rockefeller (D-WV) Suggests Eliminating FOX, MSNBC

And that would be fair how?


  1. I think old Jay must be hitting the moonshine a little heavy.

  2. Hey noob! the links not working. Maybe its me.

    or my adobe.

    Frankly I could do w/o fox or msnbc.

  3. I would fight tooth and nail for MSNBC's right to broadcast. I would like to see them be driven off the air because of low viewer ship but in the meantime, they have a right to be the idiots they are.

  4. Jan: I don't know if he's been drinking, but he's always been a liberal idiot.

  5. Annoying Joe: No, it's me. It's fixed now. Thanks for the heads up.

    I watch both FOX and MSNBC, but for different reasons. Lately, most of my news comes from the internet.

  6. Chuck: Exactly. That is the difference between the left and the right... we'll fight for free speech whereas the left only respects that
    speech which conforms to their point of view.

  7. Ya know those Lefties are just so fair. NOT. I can't stand MSNBC but they have the right to spout their nonsense.

  8. well, at least he chose to silence 2 viewpoints instead of one! he probably thought that'd make it fair. And balanced.

    wait... where have I heard that?

