
Monday, December 13, 2010

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Goon Over Miami: Jets Assistant Coach Apologizes For Tripping Dolphins Player

That this assistant coach still has a job today is a mystery to me.

BTW Nolan Carroll, the Miami Dolphin player who was tripped, is the son of Florida's lieutenant governor-elect.


  1. With technology that can zoom in on an eyeball on field or the sidelines, it's strange that someone would think he wouldn't be caught.

  2. Astounds me that he is still working!
    What an idiot!

  3. Not sure when it was announced but he was suspended for the rest of the year without pay plus a $25,000 fine. This is a steep penalty but I'm not sure it was enough. It comes down to his character and whether you want someone like this as part of your organization. I think he should have been fired.

  4. This was extremely dangerous stunt and could have resulted in a career ender. To his credit, he has taken ownership of this, but he still should lose his job.

  5. I heard today that he was fined big time. What a bad and stupid move!
