
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NAACP Offense

Get this. An MLK rally hosted by the South Carolina NAACP and held at the state house saw fit to box in on three sides the statue of George Washington to hide it from the rallying crowd. The NAACP said they covered the statue because they “didn’t want to offend anyone”.

NAACP Creates Box O’ George Washington

What is offensive about this country's first president?

Can you imagine any organization in the world getting away with boxing in a statue of MLK because they didn't want to offend a particular group that had organized a rally nearby?


  1. I wonder why they didn't box in the fourth side.

    It's getting harder and harder for The Onion to come up with stories more absurd than the ones that really happen.

  2. what tools..they are such haters Cube and such bloody hypocrites!

  3. Spot on. The Oninon's got nothing on reality nowadays.

    BTW this came frome the Canada Free Press. I doubt you'd see it in our papers.

  4. WomanHonorThyself: True. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

  5. Can you imagine any organization in the world getting away with boxing in a statue of MLK because they didn't want to offend a particular group that had organized a rally nearby?

    And can't you just heard the screams of "Racism!" if such a think happened. Sheesh.

    In my view, the NAACP works to divide America -- not unite us.

  6. First of all, this smacks of racism.

    Beyond that though, what is this nonsense we keep hearing from groups like the NAACP about ignoring history?

  7. What bullshit!

    Your last paragraph is spot-on, Cube!

  8. Always On Watch: The NAACP is a divisive organization that likes to pretend that racism is only perpetrated by white people. According to them, minorities, by definition, can't be racist.

  9. Chuck: It is totally racist, but we're not allowed to bring it up according to the NAACP.

    Brooke: How do we fight this beast?

    Granny Annie: Hey! Haven't heard from you in a long while.

    Yes, it unbelievable and outrageous. My questions is, "How do we fight this beast?"

  10. This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.
