Jan: That's OK. I'll make it easy. A prime number is a number that can can only be divided into equally by 1 and itself. These are the numbers that don't play well with others.
That 11 CONSECUTIVE (key word which I don't know how to put into italics) prime numbers add up to 2011 is one of those wonderfully quirky things that some of us love about math.
I can't even begin to understand this, but I will take your word that it's cool.
ReplyDeleteJan: That's OK. I'll make it easy.
ReplyDeleteA prime number is a number that can can only be divided into equally by 1 and itself. These are the numbers that don't play well with others.
That 11 CONSECUTIVE (key word which I don't know how to put into italics) prime numbers add up to 2011 is one of those wonderfully quirky things that some of us love about math.
*crickets chirping*
ReplyDelete*crickets chirping*
This is what I get for posting about math.