
Friday, February 18, 2011

The Chicago Way

SHOCK: Bodies Found 'Stacked 8 Deep' In Chicago Cemetary

But they can still vote...


  1. I love this epitaph I think it should be mine...not to self...amend will.

  2. Yeah, I liked it right away myself. I hope it's not copy righted ;-)

  3. I’m not sure I understand the allegation about this being a desecration. These are rotting corpses, so burying them 8 deep is a better option than not burying them at all …

    Besides, if they voted for a democrat, it served them right. "Communism into the after life."

  4. I could see the allegation if a single plot was paid for and the cemetary pocketed the difference.

    I think these people were indigent and no one stepped up to claim the bodies. Most cities have a Potter's field where burials are done as cheaply as possible.

    Had they been cremated no one would care where the ashes were deposited.

    This is Chicago, so chances are these poor souls voted democrat... even in death.

  5. Stacking bodies is the norm in the above ground tombs in New Orleans. The problem comes when the family doesn't know that's what's going to happen. At least they were buried. Remember the story out of Georgia a year or so ago about the Funeral Home who were just keeping the bodies? And the situation recently discovered at Arlington??

  6. Dirty Butter: It's a common practice, but as I commented earlier, shouldn't be done if the family is paying for a single plot and the cemetary is pocketing the difference.

    The case in Georgia was a matter of greed and laziness. The case in Arlington was a matter of government red tape leading to incompetence. The people affected by both of these cases deserved better.

  7. I instantly thought about what DB just mentioned... Stashing the bodies in closets and whatnot.


  8. Yep, one of the best epitaphs I've seen!

  9. Brooke: To me being dumped in a closet or atop some lazy guy's yard is worse than being buried 8 deep in a cemetary.

    I just wanted to make a feeble joke about the tradition of the dead voting in Chicago.

  10. Patrick Carroll: It is a good one.

    I also liked Mel Blanc's, "That's All Folks" and Jack Lemmon's, which just reads his name and the word "In"

  11. It's amazing they keep getting away with this.....though, with news like this coming out, their time of reaconing is coming.

  12. We've had a major scandal at a very prominent cemetery here in Northern Virginia: National Memorial Park. Something about bodies not buried and merely stacked in a garage or other outbuilding.

  13. Is this all CHicago thug mafia burying!?

  14. and, anyway...isn't Commie-ism "Cradle to GRAVE!"? even if it IS unmarked!?

  15. aw kind of sad that no one claimed em...

  16. Wow. I knew this sometimes happened in previous centuries-- to poor people who couldn't afford their own graves-- but not in the 20th or 21st.

    As Mustang said, socialism even in death.

  17. Mustang came up with a great motto - "Communism into the after life."

    I don't see any problem with these people being buried 8 deep, as long as they were buried in a proper manner.
