
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The Damning Contradictions Of Obama's Attack On Libya

So much about Obama unnerves me... including that mincing pose in the photo.

Oh, Margaret.


  1. and now we have spent millions on this already Cube..sick!

  2. Wow, he does look like a little wussy boy here, doesn't he?

    Libya is a total clusterf***... that's all there is to it.

  3. WomanHonorThyself: I don't know why the Arabs aren't handling this problem themselves. Why can't they clean up the mess THEY made?

  4. Karen Howes: He is a mincing, prancing, affirmative-action fool. If not for the full-tilt help of the MSM, he would never have gotten elected.

    Chuck: She IS tougher. Scary, isn't it?

  5. This is why I've been coming back to your blog for six years. Great stuff, Cube.

    The article is awesome. And I hope it opens some eyes.

  6. The Phoenix: Glad you liked it. Thank you for the kind words :-)

  7. Oops...I was logged on as The Phoenix! How funny.

    Anyhoo, it's pretty easy to get a domain and then point it in the direction of your blog.

    Blogger makes it super easy under settings. It's really no problem, and there are a ton of instructions online on how to do it.

  8. Too bad someone didn't lock all the doors to the White House today...

  9. President OBlah-Blah minced his way into office, can't wait to see him mince his way out in 2012.

  10. I hadn't seen that photo until just now. Wow, he really is mincing. Wonder how Michelle feels about that?

  11. I hadn't seen that, either..the wuss.
    Did you see him playing soccer in S. America with kids? Wait till you see what the left thought of that in my video being posted any minute now!
    The man is a weak nothing; and our president. GO figure.
    Karen's word "prancing" is perfect!

  12. Very Disturbing

    Somehow I can't even imagine Ronald Reagan in that pose

  13. Girly-man Obama is a dictator who completely ignores our laws and does whatever he will.

    That pic is as astounding as the article.

  14. Obama is such a hypocrite. Obama is weak and indecisive.
