
Friday, May 27, 2011

Being There Redux

At first I thought this was an Onion piece, but it's for real!

Meghan Daum: Obama's Fast Brain vs. Slow Mouth

This article is an embarassment and proves that there is no limit to the nonsense some liberals will spew to defend BO's blunders. Daum should be ashamed of herself.


  1. Ah, I see. So since Bush earned better grades than Obama he must've have been employing "intellectual stammer." AND he employed a lot less of it than Obama, too.

    Nah, GWB was stupid because he's a Republican.

    I can't take these people, Cube.

  2. Sadly, others besides Daum has spouted the same kind of rot that BHO is so smart that his intelligence hampers his image.

    It is my considered view that there is no shortage of stupid people.

  3. As Judge Judy would say: "That's ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

  4. Notice all of her examples are libs?

    The idiot is trying to find his place on the teleprompter. She's ignoring the fact that he doesn't utter an original phrase.

  5. I tend to think GWB was smarter, because he has and had better ideas.

    I think Pres. Obama has too many "umm err" to be one of those who thinks faster than he talks.

    I can think of a couple of famous people who DO think much faster than they talk, as based on how they appear to be me in candid TV appearances: Camille Paglia and Sir Charles Barkley.

  6. lol I saw this too and thought they must be kidding!!!

  7. isn't that incredible?
    YOu really would think this person would be so embarrassed.
    Forget the 'ummm''ve all heard O's "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand" ugh

    Actually, I don't care HOW he talks; just DO the right thing; that's how Bush was. Of course, they annihilated Bush for the weird way he sometimes talked, but Obama's that way because "he's just too smart for himself" WHAT?

  8. Brooke: I can't take much more of these people myself. The double standard is disgusting.

    Always On Watch: You are right. So many stupid people that it's getting scary.

    Ananda Girl: Judge Judy is right.
    Good to hear from you again :-)

  9. Chuck: It gets tiresome to hear the MSM continue to praise BO's "intellect" and MO's "fashion sense" when I have yet to see one iota of proof of either.

  10. It's not that Meghan Dumb-- oops, I mean Daum-- isn't smart, it's just that she can't write.
