
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Central Media Scrutinizer

White House Dedicates New Position To Deal With Unfavorable Online Media

The above photo accompanied his first tweet as Director of Progressive Media & Online Response.

The title has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I think I'd call it something else...


  1. Why would anyone need to make up something? It's hard enough to keep up with the stupid words and actions before us.

  2. Nooooo, nothing to see here, plebes. Just praise your dear leader and move along...

  3. Jan: Absolutely. Every day brings a dreary laundry list of missteps, bumblings, bad judgment, humiliation, etc.. The hard part is honing it down to one daily post.

  4. Brooke: Just keep your comments positive and you won't get a visit from Mr. Lee.

    Is it safe to ask who is paying Mr. Lee's salary?

  5. Actually this post is top combat criticism from the left. The Obamites are getting nervous IMHO

  6. Since It seems apparent that you wil be scheduled for termination in the near future, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I have enjoyed your blog, and I would like to thank you for the time you have taken in commenting on my blog.

    Hasta la Vista, baby.

  7. Internet censorship, the final frontier of the Left...And wouldn't they just love to conquer it?!

  8. Chuck: They certainly aren't taking any chances. Must control the message at all costs lest someone looks behind the curtain.

    Annoying Joe: lol! Thank you :-)

    Patrick Carroll: Yes, they would love to control the internet, talk radio and, while they're at it, every aspect of our lives.

  9. Nooooo, nothing to see here, plebes. Just praise your dear leader and move along...  
