
Friday, June 10, 2011

Cuban Cat Blog Friday

I found this interesting in a cat/cubular way...

A Possible New Breed Of The Feline World: 'Cuban Blue'

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. how bout blue puppies? ((hugs))

  2. Don't blue dog Democrats have blue puppies?

  3. There is a blue basset! But they have a lot of genetic linked health issues.
    Too funny that its a Cuban blue!
    But I was sad to see the cats in the cages in the other photos on the link. No cat can be happy penned up.
    But then, I guess keeping things penned up under strict control is sort of a Cuban thing too.

  4. My daughter Emily (cat freak extraordinaire) says it looks like the British Blue?

    I thought there was only cats???

  5. I absolutely adore cats, so any new breed of kitty is fantastic news.

    Kitties rock!

  6. Beautiful kitty! Kitties are awesome.

  7. sweet kitty. love the colour. why is cuban blue funny? im across the pond .

  8. cube - I went to see super 8, after all. The whole time I kept thinking: Is this a sequel to
    Goonies? But the best part lies in the Credits.


  9. Woman Honor Thyself: If someone can make blue puppies I'd love them too.

    dmarks: In theory ;-)

  10. Ananda Girl: I hadn't heard about the blue bassets. Don't think it's worth it if the animal has health problems.

    And yes, I agree with you that the Cuban government has a long history of imprisoning humans so it's not surprising that they're doing it to kittehs. My three cats would go insane if we kept them in a crate.

  11. Always On Watch: It's a beautiful cat.

    Chuck: Your daughter's catnalysis is spot on. It looks very much like a British Blue and that's why cat experts are examining the critter to make sure it is a new breed.

  12. Iwasn'tbloggedyesterday--I thought "Cuban blue" was funny as in "I am blue" and the kitty looked so somber.

  13. AHA! I am always the last to get a joke lol,I should have got this one..duh me lol I thoght I'd missed something...well I did...

  14. Leticia: I love me those kittehs, but I also love the dogs. Gees, I love most animals. Here's me with an amphibian friend I found in my yard

    I hate bugs in general, but do have an affinity for some arthropods drenched in butter ;-) Go figure.

  15. Teresa: I love me the kittehs too. I posted Cat Blog Friday posts for years until I got too busy to keep it up.

    IWASNTBLOGGEDYESTERDAY: Don't fret. The only reason I posted it was because I like cats and I like to report on anything cube-like, i.e., what I call cubular. I didn't infer the blue/unhappy aspect until Ananda Girl brought it up. Cats always look pissy to me.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sue: You can't just comment that the best part lies in the credits... SPOIL ME... please.

  18. So... We'll have to go to Canada to get our Cuban cigars and kitties?


  19. That truly is a beautiful cat! Such an innocent looking face.

  20. cube - When the movie comes out on dvd, rent it some evening when you feel like wasting time.

    But you have revealed your taste in movies to me before, and trust me - there is a mini-movie during the credits that you will like!

    That's all I have to say about that.

  21. Brooke: I hear Canadians are very nice.

    Silly Rabbit: Yes, a very beautiful cat, but TRIX are still for kids!!! ;-)

    Sue: Now you are being cruel.

  22. Cube - Look, I'm surprised the movie didn't go straight to dvd anyway.

    You shouldn't have long to wait.

    When it comes out I'll check back and see what you have to say.

  23. Sue: And all this time I thought you were a sweet, thoughful person...

  24. Awww..cute froggie. I love most animals as well, but my top two are cats and the Silverback Mountain Gorilla.
