
Thursday, June 16, 2011

No Thanks

$5 Raffle Ticket Buys Dinner With Obama

Firstly, this email is riddled with lies, lies, and more lies. It is obvious that BO knows his constituency is beyond stupid.

Secondly, if I were BO, eating is the last thing I would highlight given the history of gag-inducing pictures of me stuffing my piehole. Google image 'Obama eating' if you don't believe it.

Thirdly, I wouldn't have dinner with BO if he paid me!


  1. Just the idea makes me lose my appetite!

  2. That has GOT to be a scam! NO WAY!

    That would be one short dinner conversation, too. Dictators don't like to be told how and why they are idiots.

  3. silly rabbit: lol. I agree.

  4. “We rely on everyday Americans giving whatever they can afford--and I want to spend time with a few of you,” Obama's e-mail reads.

    Isn't that an example of pathetic pandering? Sheesh.

  5. Just Obama trying to be "one of the guys." Won't work. He's an elitist who frequents the golf course and makes fun of the unemployment rate.

  6. Brooke: I think it will be a fake lottery. The only "winners" will be hand picked and totally entranced with the Obama koolaid.

  7. Always On Watch: The words in the email are as gag-inspiring as the photos of BO stuffing his face with food we're not supposed to eat or can't afford to eat.

    Elitism comes from a life of being given advantages that you don't deserve. Arrogance comes from believing the lie that you deserve these advantages for which you haven't earned. That's BO all the way
