
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bush Hat Tip

At least the South Sudanese know whom to thank for their independence. Unlike Obama, who for once, isn't putting the blame on Bush.


  1. Yay! No excuses and no stolen glory for Obama. I tip my hat to the honesty of the South Sudanese President and its people for their recall of events.

  2. Oh!! Let me enjoy this for just a bit...... *giggling*

    This was great. I shared the link on my Facebook wall.

  3. Oh, my GOSH, this is FABULOUS, Cube, thanks so much for finding this and, of course, one would have to DIG to find this Bush-praising story in OUR MEDIA!!! IMagine this in the NY Times? :-)

    and "Christian fundamentalists", too? Be still, my silly CHristian heart :-)
    I'm sending this to email friends..thanks. good news for a change.

  4. Silly rabbit: Honesty is a breath of fresh air after dealing with BO and his ilk. I tip my hat to the South Sudanese as well. I wish them long life and prosperity.

  5. Leticia: I found this story very giggle-worthy too. I'm glad you're sharing it. We certainly won't see it reported on the MSM.

  6. Z: I'm so glad you liked it too. Please share it because you can be sure the MSM isn't going to disseminate this story.

  7. Definitely one to share since this could only circulate on the internet, the new media.

  8. I know foreign aid itself is controversial, but Bush did more for Africa (in a peaceful, humanitarian way) than any President, ever. More than any President before. And the current President barely pays attention to the place.

  9. Click here for this article.

    A candid view that reveals Bush as the intelligent, engaged, concerned President we've always known he was.

  10. dmarks: I always knew Bush was unfairly vilified by the MSM.
