
Monday, July 18, 2011

Where's Casey?

Casey Anthony Disguises

Kasey Kardashian... this one cracks me up, especially because of the clever use of facial hair ;-)

Osama bin Duct Tape is a funny second.

Alyssa Milano... watch your back!


  1. Cardassian? Disguised as a tailor, no doubt.


    Rumor has it that Casey Anthony may join Charlie Sheen on stage during his "Torpedo of Truth" stand-up tour, in order to completely avoid being seen by any members of the public.

  2. I think she is a real potato head and I know there are many people out there who want to rearrange her face.

    The idea that she cannot understand the depth of her danger is not surprising. She's a sociopath. I see a best seller book in her future. I see talk shows. She's not going to want to alter her looks because she believes that everything she does is the right thing... because she wants it. She can't imagine what others want. Other people do not matter.

  3. Her lawyer as much as said she will cash in. He has said she has a right to...

  4. dmarks: lol. A stich in time, eh?

    Casey and Charlie would make quite the sociopath duo show. I think Casey would help increase Charlie's audience... mainly because some crazies want to rearrange her face as Silly Rabbit pointed out.

  5. Silly Rabbit: I do believe Casey is a sociopath because I can't fathom any non-sociopath partying for 31 days while their child was missing/dead. Myself, I couldn't go 31 seconds before I panicked when my kids were out of my eyeshot during a shopping trip.

    True story: My great aunt, my mom, and I were shopping at Macy's in New York when I was a child. I was looking at some Popeye's stuff and we got separated. I went to a cashier and gave her my name and address and they called for my mom over the intercom. We were reunited, but my mom and aunt were frantic and this was just a framework of a few minutes.

    To this day, my mom chides me for picking the largest department store in the world to get lost in...

  6. Chuck: She's going to need some serious money just for security. I heard that in jail, Casey was talking about Alyssa Milano playing herself in the movie. I wonder if there is an actress out there who wants this radioactive part.

  7. Lets hope that she never comes back from wherever she went.

  8. Sun Tyme: From your lips to God's ears.

  9. Cube- I agree totally! I was scared the entire time my kids were growing up that someone would take them, even out in our yard. If they were outside, I was outside. If they wanted to go to a friend's home... I drove them there and picked them up again. And I knew where they were and often checked up on them to be sure they were where they said where they were.

  10. oish ah yes she will need a full time bodyguard eh...

  11. and to think she'll be a rich Groucho Marx imitation, too.

  12. wit all these importence things in the headlines iz this all you peopples and talks about?
    And how long are youz peoples going to keep on talking about this dumb debt thingy?
    Enough es enough. Please change tha topics.
    I want to hear more about Casee Anthoney.

  13. Silly Rabbit: Same here. I still worry about them, but I also realize I must give them their space. Even now, I'm most relaxed when my entire brood is in for the night. I know that will change, but for now, I'm going to enjoy the luxury.

  14. WomanHonorThyself: There will be plenty who will jump at the chance to involve themselves in the Casey World reality TV show.

    Big Mama Says: ???? we iz talkin 'bout Casey Antny. What 'chu talkin

  15. Z: The deed is done. What happens next, nobody knows.

  16. Cube, did you by any chance read "A Stitch in Time"?

  17. Just hope she stays out of sight for a very long time. Hear she's been offered 5 mil to do her first interview. Good luck w/that one...

  18. dmarks: I have a copy of it, but I have not read "A Stich In Time." I know it has gotten good reviews, but my To Read list is very, very long.

    Did you read it? And if so, what did you think of it.
