
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Post Turtle Obama

This one gave me a chuckle:

"Is Barak Obama a "Post Turtle?"

One day an old cowboy was out ridin' fence and he saw a turtle balanced on top of a fence post. When he got back to the bunkhouse he told the other fellas that he saw a "post turtle".

They all asked, "What the hell is a 'post Turtle'?"

He said, it was a turtle settin' on top of a post! He then went on to explain that "you know it didn't get up there by itself, it doesn't belong there, it doesn't know what to do while it's up there and you just wonder what kind of dang fool put it up there to begin with!"



  1. Yeah, but the turtle doesn't continue to give campaign speeches on a daily basis.

  2. Cube - That's great - I mean the picture of the post turtle. I had never heard of that.

    BTW - it's B-A-R-A-C-K.


  3. LOL! Darn it, put that turtle down!
    (I'm talking about booting Obama from office.)

  4. Hee hee, thanks for the laugh. How true!

  5. I just read but have not verified that the 2.2 million dollar bus our post turtle is using to campaign was purchased from a company in Canada. What??? Eh hem! They need to spend my money in the USA! (If that is indeed true.)

  6. Poor turtles being compared to that moron. I am sure the turtles are protesting right now. And who can blame them?

  7. Jan: Yes, turtles are very quiet.

    Sue: I'm happy when my blog teaches something new.

    About the spelling, I cut & pasted the verbiage. Didn't notice it was wrong.

    Chuck: Glad you liked it.

    Silly Rabbit: lol. From your lips to God's ear. Put down that turtle ;-)

  8. Always On Watch & Brooke & Leticia: I didn't intend to offend the poor turtles. I love turtles. Please don't sic the Turtle Anti-Defamation League on me ;-)

    Karen Howes: Glad you liked it.

    Silly Rabbit: Unfortunately, it's true. Obama is all bark and no dog.

    WomanHonorThyself: Obama is one of the thin-shelled type. He doesn't take any criticism well.
